Author Archives: Eric Tomlinson

Brutal honesty – a commodity in short supply

I’ve been so busy writing guest blogs, I’ve woefully ignored my own. My first guest posting appeared on Shaun Jeffery’s blog. A writer I’ve a lot of time for.

I met Shaun in his role as a fitness instructor. He used come across to give a few pointers on my inability to exercise. We’d often chat about families etc. I was always grateful when he stopped me doing too much on the machines!

Even though he’s many years younger, Shaun started treading the path of writing a couple of years before I did. He introduced me to flash fiction, as well as Internet publishing.

It’s been useful to have another writer to contact every now and then. The one thing I know about Shaun is that he is brutally honest. However, as this honesty is wrapped up in a passion to create the best writing he can, it’s a fabulous resource to be able to call on.

Eye catching

I’m sure there are a thousand comments as to why this lady caught my eye, but one of the myths that follows my thinking is that Medusa was the only mortal Gorgon, Although she’s the most famous, there were two more and they were immortal. Where are they now? Do they still live in Greece, or did they migrate abroad.


Demons on the roof

Most folk know I’m addicted to Greece. I love the people, the way of life and of course getting some warmth on my body.

They’re a people who seem to take their religion seriously. When you grow up with images like these over your head, I suppose I can understand why.


This is from the monastery in the centre of Kefalonia. The place is set in the middle of the only flat piece of the Island. Of course, the inhabitants of the place care about the people around them. Being the only good growing land they could choose to grow food, but instead it’s a massive vineyard growing grapes for the “world famous” Robola wine.

As a non-drinker, I can’t vouch for the stuff, but as most Greek alcohol can be used to remove paint from doors, I doubt the French wine growing region fear it taking over.

Taking inspiration …

Or snapshots depending how you see it.


On a recent trip to Lesvos I spotted this place. Can you imagine the ghosts wandering the corridors? I’ve been kicking around ways to include this into a story.  It feels Steam Punk to me, but that’s probably the way my mind is running at the moment.

Kindle Release

Work moves on to create the Kindle release of Amara’s Daughter.

Once this has been done, we’ll be moving on to the hard copy version. Probably using create space, but I’m looking at the other options that are around as well.